We are working hard around here to get ready for Christmas. We finally got our tree up and we are diligently working on getting the shopping done. How did it get to be the 7th of December already? I will post a few pics of the Christmas decorations and of the kids soon. Just thought I would post a little note of things to come.
Also I just opened a new Facebook account and would love to catch up with any of you who follow the blog. I will try and post soon.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Christmas countdown...
Posted by Stone Six.......the end at 10:35 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Hello again..... I am still trying!
Hello, to those of you who keep checking up with me and my blog, hoping to get an update on my family. Life here is always crazy and fun. We have been celebrating birthdays, blessings and baptisms. Enjoying our lazy summer and then getting back into the daily grind of school again. Adjusting to the new baby and finally getting him on a schedule. Jax is in the fourth grade and is doing really well, he is taking early morning Spanish and loves school, math, drawing and reading. He is about to get his Bear in scouts and move on to Weeblos. Kas is in second grade and she is also taking Spanish, she loves going to school, reading, taking care of the baby and playing with her friends. She started her activity days and enjoys going to those as well. Zak is in preschool for one more year and loves going three days a week. Tuesday and Thursday are a little rough around the house, because he is a little bored out of his mind!!! He is a fantastic older brother and is very patient and loving with the baby. He is a joy to his teachers at school and such a delight to raise. We all know that soon enough they will all be in school all day and I won't know what to do with myself.
Jeremy and I started a fitness bootcamp, and it is fun to workout with him again. I joke in class that after some of the exercises we wont be able to care for our kids and they might wonder why we have signed up for such torture! But it is amazing how you find muscles you never knew you had before! Jeremy is busy with work and is STILL in love with the animals and the business. I am so happy in my life and grateful for the blessings that I have been given.
We just celebrated Zak's birthday and spent the afternoon at Liberty Land with his friends. If you thinking taking one five year old to miniature golf is a challenge, your in for a treat when you try to take five five year olds to miniature golf. After unintentionally soaking Zak's poor friend Drake in the water fountain and harnessing children to climb the rock wall, to the main event lazer tag we had a wonderful time full of laughter and memories.
Kas had an exciting birthday. After going to get her ears pierced for her birthday, she wanted a TOTALLY girlie party and was able to invite a handful of friends to a day spa for pedicures, a fashion show and a cupcake tea party. My camera is broken at the moment and I took pictures on my sisters camera, I don't have them just yet. Hopefully I will be able to post those soon.
Jax just had his check up with the Dr. and is getting ready for his birthday in a few months, we will have a party for him as well. The news from the Dr was GREAT, no surgery of now, we will have another appointment in January and we will see what they think then.
The baby is an absolute delight. He wakes up every morning with a smile on his face and is completely entertained with all the commotion that fills our home with noise and life and love. He laughs at the kids silly rap songs that they make up for him and LOVES his mom. I think I have another mama's boy, and I won't complain about that one!! It was a challenge having the space between him and Zak, but we are finally falling into a normal routine and he is an angel, who sleeps about 10 hours a night, so I can't get too upset.
For a lot of you, you saw the picture of Jax in the BYU magazine. Well after we did that little shoot, all of my kids wanted to look into modeling. Kas has wanted to do modeling and acting for a while, and I have been encouraged to put all of them in by several of my friends. So a few weeks ago I met with a couple agents and recently had my friend take some pictures for me so they could test the waters and see how things go. I will post a few. They are all excited about doing this and we will see how it goes. I want to support them in the activities they would like to try. So, stay tuned....
I hope all of you that might be checking in have a wonderful Holiday season, cause lets be honest, I probably wont be posting again until after the first of year! I know, I know, I suck at blogging, but don't give up hope on me yet! We just had our family pictures done and the other pics. Here a few....
Posted by Stone Six.......the end at 4:48 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
He's HERE!!!!!!
We are delighted to introduce our newest addition to the family......
Gav was born almost three weeks ago. He is a marvelous blessing to our family and we are enjoying so much getting to know this precious gift. The delivery was different from the other three, but that is to be expected!!! His older siblings have been wonderful in helping me and love holding him and taking care of him. He weighed in at 8 lbs 10oz, my biggest by far. He was 19 1/2 in long. At his two week checkup he had grown an inch and a half, so that confirmed to me that he was out of room!!!
We are tired, busy, but loving this amazing gift from God. Thank you to everyone who has called or checked in on us, and especially those who have brought gifts and delicious dinners! They are all very much appreciated!
Posted by Stone Six.......the end at 4:37 PM 4 comments
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Just a quick update....
I am still pregnant...... I am going to be induced on Wednesday and we are sooo excited to meet our new little boy. I WILL post pictures and let everyone know how things go. Thank you for checking in.
Posted by Stone Six.......the end at 11:10 AM 1 comments
Sunday, January 25, 2009
I know, I know I am a SLACKER!
Hello to anyone who still checks in to see if we are alive! Just for the record, we are. We are getting closer and closer to the arrival of our third little boy. And to be perfectly honest, it couldn't come soon enough! The last few weeks are by far the worst for me. I just had my computer fixed, so I am not able to update any pictures just yet. I will post some of Christmas when I can pull those off the camera.
For the most part there isn't anything really new around here. Jeremy is currently in Brazil on a business trip and should be home in a week or so. I just got back from Wyoming with my kids. My grandfather passed away and we made the trek to Cody Wyoming to pay our respects. As we were driving down the freeway I jokingly offered to play "I Spy" in the Wyoming wasteland of brown and my kids eagerly agreed to play. (I however wasn't really in the mood, it was a joke!) So I started with something brown, they immediately guessed the dirt, which was correct. We then struggled to play for about forty five minutes until i convinced them to play something else! It was a LONG forty five minutes! The funeral was lovely and I was able to see all of my cousins whom I haven't seen in years. So, all in all it was a good trip.
We are getting ready for the pinewood derby on Tuesday, Jax and I have been working on his car and we are eager to race this week. Zak and Kas want to build on too, but I told them we would have to work on theirs when their dad gets home. Jax wanted some flames on the hood of his car, so I got creative and was able to somehow manage the flames and he looked at them and said, "Wow mom, you have Grandpa's blood in you!" My dad is a very talented painter and my children are impressed with the art work he is able to create.
We are keeping busy and looking forward to March. I will post again very soon!
Posted by Stone Six.......the end at 8:44 PM 3 comments
Friday, October 24, 2008
Here are a couple of the pictures from the family photo shoot we did the other day. Our friend Karen did such a FANTASTIC job! We cannot wait to see the rest of the proofs! Let us know what you think...
1. Take the kids to school.
2. Pick out outfits for the family pictures and get them ironed.
3. Take a bath.
4. Get everyone ready for the family pictures. (Which I will post as soon as I can)
5. Making dinner and wrestling my kids into bed.
5 things I would do if I were a millionaire.....
1.I would do something boring with it, and invest in safe investments, if those exist anymore.
2. With the interest though.... I would take my family around the world doing service projects for those less fortunate then ourselves.
3. We would payoff my parents house.
4. Start my own decorating and construction company.
5. Save for my kids missions and college.
5 places I have lived..... (I only have four.)
1. Spanish Fork
2. Orem (apartment)
3. Orem (First home)
4. Lindon
5 jobs I have had....
1. McDonald's (First job!!!)
2. Storehouse Market, cashier
3. Zions Bank
4. Executive Secretary
5. LAST THE BEST.... Mother to my FANTASTIC children.
So, now I tag Rachel, Stormi, Krista, Alyssa and Karen.
Rules: Each player answers the question themselves. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blog and leaves them a comment letting them know that they've been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person that tagged you know when you've answered the questions on your blog.
Have fun!